Tuesday, October 20, 2009

FLP - Day 38 - Wednesday

Well, the timing could not be worse to feel like this! I'm trying to press through it, but when I tried a chin-down, I dropped worse than the first one!

0600 - Cardio - Eliptical: 5min @19; 3min @25-28, 2min @17-18 X 5 intervals
Clean & Jerk: 4kg X 12
Get-Up: 2kg x 7 each side
Burpee-Push-Up-Press: 4kg x 6
Alt Lunge-Torso Rotation: 4kg x 12
Ball Pass: x 16 (lying down, this wasn't too bad)
3point Toe Tappers: x 7 ea leg
Chin Down: Unable to get even 1, dropped like a rocket!

06-0630 - H2O, 1L
0730 - 1/2 Smoothie w/spinach; almonds (1/4c) instead of protein powder
0800 - Green Tea
0930 - H2O, 350cc
1000 - Herb Tea
1030 - 1/2 Smoothie
1200 - Herb Tea
1230 - Tuna salad w/blk beans on salad greens - 1/2 portion
1500 - Coconut Water
1630 - Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrot, Ham
1700 - H2O, 300cc
1930 - Salad, tomatoe, 1/2 cuke, Green onion, Salmon, EVO/lime
2000 - H2o, 500cc

1 comment:

  1. Helen,
    Thankyou for your comment, I think I figured out how to work this(posting a comment that is). It's amazing how some exercises bother us more than others, those chin dns, god, I don't think I'm improving at all, this is going to be a long haul for me as I still drop like a lead weight! By the way, you keep a very accurate journal, keep up the good work!
