Sunday, January 3, 2010

FLP II - Days 40-42

Well, I was all mixed up this week with days and dates! I spent the weekend in the farm lands, which is over the mountains and down in the valley. It was quite a spectacular drive going, but a scary one coming back on winding, 2 lane highways that have tractors, cows and goats crossing . . . and mostly in the dark!

I finished up my exercise hiking through the fields, doing BW squats and lunges.
Friday: Nutrition:
0430 - 1/2 Smoothie w/spinach
0730 - 1/2 Smoothie
1100 - Vegies
1530 - Tuna salad
1800 - Salad, grilled fish, bamboo soup, bitter greens
H2O = 2.3L