Monday, December 7, 2009

FLP II - Tuesday - Day 16

0605 - CARDIO - T/M: 5min @5km; 2min @8km, 2min @5km x 4 intervals
Get-Ups: 3 x 16 2kg weight
Push-Up: 3 x 16 decline, feet on bench
Burpees: 3 x 11 4 kg weights, w/jump
Walk Lunge: 3 x 14 4 kg weights
Rotations: 3 x 11 15lb on machine
Pull Downs: 3 x 11 40lb on machine

0545 - 1/2 banana, 1/2c papaya, 1 scp protein powder
0730 - 1/2 Smoothie: 1/2 banana, 1/2c raspberries, 1/2c strawberries, 2 scp prt pwd, 4 Tb yogurt, 1/2c OATS mix, 1 Tb flax oil, 1/2 Tb coconut oil, spinach; Green Tea
1100 - 1/2 Smoothie
1300 - Apple; Salad greens; Tuna salad w/chilie pepper, EVO/lime; Green tea
1700 - Carrot, cauliflower, ham
1915 - Shrimp, leek, carrot, mushroom, smoked paprika; pumpkin squash; salad greens, tomatoe, 1Tb coconut oil
H2O = 3L


  1. Hi Helen! I was wondering, where do you live that you can have fesh coconut oil?

    Best of luck with the Fat loss Project - Round 2!! Keep it up!

  2. Hi Petra,
    I live in SE Asia, Laos. I have a yard full of coconut trees, but just discovered that I can have the oil made fresh. It's really wonderful. I guess that makes up for all of the inconveniences. No one wants to ship anything here, so getting protein powder is a real ordeal, along with all the other "foreign" things I need for the program.
    Hope you have a successful program. The exercises are real killers, but they work!
