Sunday, November 8, 2009

FLP - Monday - Day 57

0555 - CARDIO - T/M: 2min @5km; 2min @8km, 1min @5km x 4 intervals

Prisoner Squat: 10 x 2
Knees Push-Up: 10 x 2
Crunch/Hold: 10 x 2
Pulldown: 10 x 2 (40lb)
Bench Step-Up: 10 x 2
Over/Unders: 10 x 2
Ball Roll: 10 x 2
Stretches (my own)

0530 - 1/2 guava
0730 - Shake: 1/2 c raspberries, 1/4c papaya, 1/2 banana, 1/2 carrot, handful greens, almonds (2oz)
1040 - cuke, pomegrant, almonds (2oz)
1330 - Vegies: cauliflower, broccoli, dakon, w/hummus
1630 - Vegies as above, hummus, chicken breast, lettuce leaves; hot ginger water
1900 - Salmon, spinach,mushrooms, ginger, chili, lime; hot ginger water
H2O, 1.5L


  1. Hi ya, keep up the good work! I'm not blogging my exercise or food now as I do write it in my book and that would just take more time, but I am keeping going too. And the results are continuing to show, mostly in the clothes and some on the (lying) scale. The clothes and cm are really all that matters at the end of the day.

  2. Thanks Kim! I haven't been sticking totally to the old program. I started the new WOTM, and I thought that it seemed easy, but I guess that I was coming down with this FLU on Monday, so I haven't been able to do anything sinse. I have the FLU body aches, sneezing and coughing with fever. So, I haven't lost any more inches or kg, but I haven't gained either :) The results of the guinea pigs have been really amazing! Glad you're keeping with it, too. Blogging helps me keep accountable to myself.
