Monday, November 16, 2009


I'm quite excited! I'll be starting round 2 of the FLP on 23 November.

So, I'm going to take some time off from blogging until that time. I'm really looking forward to even better results than the first round.


  1. Got your msg on my blog. Sounds like you still dont understand why you did not lose as much as others. Sorry, please refresh me (as your results have not been published yet) , how much weight and inches did you lose? How is WOTM going? I do mean to start that but have not (still been exercising but not FLP, been getting back into my Pump and doing power walking interval training as well). The weight is still coming off good. BUT when I eat and drink the wrong thing i know it..I put on (get this!) 1.7 kg after my 24 hours away on our anniversary, where I had choc cheesecake, mega wine and pinacolada! It too me nearly two weeks to burn that 1.7 kg off! So no more CREAM for me!

  2. PS I think you're really great doing FLP 2, good on you! I'm doing the nutrition still, except allow myself wine on Sat night, still c/c 3x a week plus enjoying doig a veriety of exercise. need to get back to FLP workout as that was really whittl;ing me, just think I needed a break and to exercise in a group for a while and have a wee rest from it

  3. Thanks for the encouragement, Kim. Its only 2 days into FLP-II and I am so tired from the exercise. And, it's so funny that I cannot eat all of the food. I'm just not hungry. I do ok with breakfast and morning snack, but after that, I don't want to eat.
    It is so easy to gain the weight back. I was also having wine on Sat night, so I will really miss that. It was also nice to go out with friends and not worry about what to eat, but that comes with a price that I dont want to pay at the present. I really want to challenge myself to see if I can reach another goal to lose 5kg.
